5 Wrong Traditional Beliefs That Hold You Back!



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”To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest.” – Mahatma Gandhi

These are famous words by the father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi, which are etched in every individual’s mind, living in this country, yet often it’s the pessimism that makes room in our minds, cornering the optimistic beliefs and stagnating our growth. There are 5 such misconceptions nurtured by individuals that often end up becoming hurdles in their path to success.

  • Failing at something gets you the tag of a failure: Life in itself is a learning process and there’s always room for mistakes, since it’s the mistakes that teach you eminent lessons, which need to be rightly imbibed and implemented when encountering similar situations, after all Failure is the stepping stone to success.
  • Too old to start a new venture: Age is no barrier to foray into an unexplored or uninhibited field. As it’s said, with age comes wisdom, which makes an individual fully equipped to tackle the most unconventional and distinct endeavors.
  • Approval of family and peers on eminent issues: Considering approval of family and peers is no harm but thrusting their opinion on self to an extent that one’s own view is overshadowed does not fall under the parameters of being ethical.
  • Perfection equals success: Sometimes it’s the imperfections in life that become an impetus for people to strive harder in order to attain success. As human beings we are inherently flawed and that’s what keeps us going.
  • I am destined to do it: Man is equipped with the caliber and vision to choose the best for himself, owing to which he can judge what’s wrong and right for him, thus man makes his own destiny and not the other way round.

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