10 quick tips about Youth

“It takes a very long time to become young” – Pablo Picasso.


It’s said that the youth is a seed of the plant, called nation and thus they are empowered to determine the future in regards to either prosperity or devastation. They are like water, adept of taking form of the mould it’s put into, which makes it all the more imperative to infer the very underpinning of their thought process. Here are a few tips to help you penetrate in those young minds and get an insight into their life.


1)Shed those inhibitions: don’t burden your mind with the baggage of your conservative thoughts. This will help communicating with ease, come naturally to you.

2) Don’t force your perceptions onto them: understand that they are not a mirror to you, they have their own individuality and distinct thinking.

3) Avoid skepticism: stop doubting their abilities, this will either evoke the rebel in the, or bring their morale down, neither of which is good and will only pave way for further mishaps.

4) Give them the much needed push: all they need is some encouragement that becomes an impetus for them to strive harder.

5) Instill confidence instead of overconfidence in them: overconfidence can certainly get to the head and can be misleading and misguiding sometimes.

6) Don’t scrutinize every action of their’s : overly scrutinizing every activity of their’s will build more pressure leading to blunders.

7) Match your expectancy to their’s: expecting a lot more than what they expect of themselves can be damaging too.

8) Do not overshadow their existence: constant reminders of you being the reason for their existence can be very stressful and disturbing .

9) Don’t force feed values: don’t make it seem like values are a moral obligation, instead let them imbibe them on their own.

10)  Foster the virtue of making flaws or mistakes: mistakes only enlighten you further on things you were oblivious to, so let them know that you can only rise when you fall.


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